I like a fresh vegetable salad that will last several days. This makes two quarts. You can carry it to gatherings with ease or make and store in refrigerator. It’s also nice as a drop off gift for a friend in a pint jar. Plus, it so colorful.
This is my favorite, go-to marinated vegetable recipe! I usually add sliced fresh yellow squash or zucchini and sometimes a fresh jalapeno or other hot pepper from the garden.
This is the 4th year I have made it and as always, it is delicious! We adore the cool, sweet and tangy crunch of pickles so much that we often find ourselves wishing that we could just make a meal out of them. Well, we’ve come pretty close!
This Refrigerator Cucumber Salad uses the same process for making a quick refrigerator pickle and adds a few other veggies for a healthy and yummy side dish that you can keep coming back to. We love to have fresh cucumbers.
My husband always makes a batch of cucumbers with onion and vinegar but we have never tried it with the other ingredients you mentioned here. I think we would love this. Will definitely give this a try. Voted this up and useful! Have a great day!